Aquí el comandante al mando.
Nos alejamos del Sol para seguir con nuestra misión de reconocimiento. Nos dirigimos hacia Marte, el planeta rojo por su tono rosado.
Avistamos dos satélites en su órbita.
Comienza la recogida de datos y de imágenes.
Local Earth time 15.27 p.m.
The captain's reporting again. We move away from the Sun in order to continue with our exploration mission. We go to Mars, the red planet because of pink colour.
We sight two satellites in his orbit.
Starting data and photo report.
Local Earth time 15.27 p.m.
The captain's reporting again. We move away from the Sun in order to continue with our exploration mission. We go to Mars, the red planet because of pink colour.
We sight two satellites in his orbit.
Starting data and photo report.
Me encanta este planeta¡¡¡¡¡